Guise's Completionist Edition is a New Thing For You!

Man, it is downright exhausting to have to get the word out about cool things to people on the internet. I just don’t know how Crista does it. I already created a great new bundle to help everyone join the club of completionists, put it on sale, posted about it over on the GoFundMe page, sent an email to like 400,000 people (GDPR be damned!), Tweeted about the whole thing, and now I have to write a blog post too? This PR thing is for the birds.

Look, I don’t have time to do this all over again so here’s the bullet points:

You want to read more, just open the email or head to the IndieGoGo campaign.

And I’m spent.



Aeon’s End Now Available in Early Access!


OblivAeon Arrives - The Beginning of all Ends