It’s a Superheroic Tabletop Day Sale!

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This year sees a cosmic alignment that only happens once in every 10,584 years (we rounded): National Superhero Day and International Tabletop Day fall on the same day! Saturday, April 28th is a day custom made for celebrating the Sentinels of the Multiverse, and we are doing just that. All weekend, pretty much all things Sentinels Digital are on sale:

  • Sentinels of the Multiverse is just $1.99 on any platform
  • All expansions are $1 off
  • Season Pass 1 is just $17.99
  • All soundtracks are 50% off
  • Sentinels Sidekick is just $1
  • (all pricing in USD, check your store for local pricing)

If you’ve been waiting to join the fight, or need to pick up a few more expansions to complete your collection, head over to the store of your choice now and save!

We also updated the game this morning with bug fixes and new compression so if you're already  a denizen of the Multiverse, make sure to update to the latest!

Save on Sentinels of the Multiverse:

Save on Sentinels Sidekick:


Save on Soundtracks:


One Deck Dungeon Now Available on Steam!


Sentinels 2.5.11 Bug Fix Release