Wrath of the Cosmos Available Now, Season 2 Kickstarter Coming Monday!

_ICON Wrath of the cosmos (with glow).png

It is the Day of the Bloodsworn and Wrath of the Cosmos is now making its way through the tubes of the Internet. It should be in your hands soon (if it’s not already). Fight for glory in the Bloodsworn Colosseum, visit the Enclave of the Endlings, and stave off the herald of Oblivaeon, but don’t get caught in the middle of a civil war in Dok’Thorath Capital!

Wrath of the Cosmos is available for $4.99 (USD) or as part of Season Pass 1 for $19.99 (USD). Remember, in addition to the 8 new decks, there is also the Heroic Infinitor Villain Variant to be discovered. The first person to post a screenshot to our Facebook page or tweet a screenshot at @handelabra of their successful unlocking of Heroic Infinitor will earn a place in the Sentinels Hall of Fame! To keep things fair, we’ll make Heroic Infinitor available for unlocking once all platforms have the update available.

If you already own Season Pass 1, you will get access to the new decks automatically, but you may need to redownload the DLC first.

  • Steam - Your Steam client should automatically download and install the new content when you press Play. You may need to quit and restart your Steam client for it to see the update.
  • iOS & Android - When you launch Sentinels, you should be shown a screen prompting you to redownload the season pass. If you are not, just press “Get Expansion Packs” and tap “Restore Purchases.”

The Handelabra team will be out there playing multiplayer as much as possible over the next few days, so we hope to see you out in the Multiverse. (You may even earn an achievement for playing with us.)

And don’t forget, Sentinels of the Multiverse: The Video Game is now just $9.99 on Steam ($39.99 for a 5 pack) so it’s more affordable than ever to outfit an entire team to save the Multiverse!

Season 2 is coming to Kickstarter!

As we teased on #SentinelsLive last night, the countdown at SentinelsDigital.com is ticking off the seconds until Season 2 will be live on Kickstarter. The campaign will launch Monday, April 18th at 11:00 am Eastern time. There will be lots more information about Season 2 once the Kickstarter is live. There has been some speculation, and we can now confirm that the Season 2 will cover ALL remaining expansions for Sentinels of the Multiverse:

  • Vengeance
  • Villains of the Multiverse
  • OblivAeon
  • Void Guard
  • All remaining Mini-Expansions 

Join us for a special episode of #SentinelsLive on Twitch, kicking off at 10:45 am Eastern on the 18th, to coincide with the launch of the Kickstarter!  We’ll be streaming for at least an hour, and will be ready to answer any questions you might have about Season 2.

Be sure to tell all your friends about the Kickstarter and pledge on Monday if you can! We are excited to bring Season 2 to you and we’ll need your help to make the campaign a success.

What about Mini-Pack 3?

We’re happy to say that Mini-Pack 3 is well underway. In fact, it’s not completely outside the realm of possibility that it will be completed before the Kickstarter wraps up on May 13th - but as always, that’s not a release date, just a goal. Stay tuned throughout the next month for more info on Mini-Pack 3, including exclusive previews on #SentinelsLive.

**** We are aware of some issues with the Google Play release and are working to correct them now ****


Sentinels Season 2 Kickstarter now live!


Wrath of the Cosmos is coming April 13th!