All things Sentinels Digital on Sale for International TableTop Day!

It’s April 10th 2015, which makes it just one day before International TableTop Day 2015. In honor of the event, we’re putting Sentinels of the Multiverse: The Video Game on sale for 20% off, for a whole week (April 10th - April 17th). And not only that: we’re discounting Sentinels Sidekick, your plucky tabletop companion as well!

Sentinels of the Multiverse is available at a discount on 4 stores:

Sentinels Sidekick, the Official Companion App is available at a discount on 3 stores:

Now’s a great time to pick up Sentinels for your favorite digital platform (or maybe pick up a second copy for your second favorite platform). If you buy it right now, you’ll have almost a whole day to practice ahead of the big event tomorrow.

Once you’ve prepped, find a local event in your city at and spend Saturday playing Sentinels of the Multiverse, Sentinel Tactics, or whatever other tabletop games strike your fancy. If you’re in or around Halifax, Nova Scotia, visit The Board Room Game Cafe’s event and say hi to John! He’ll be running games at the Westin from 1 pm to 6 pm.

If you can’t get to a TableTop Day event, don’t worry - you can still scoop up all things Sentinels Digital at a discount until next Friday, April 17th. And don’t forget, Rook City is coming out on Tuesday, April 14th!

Have a fun International TableTop Day, Handelabranauts. 


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